Getting An Emergency Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the permanent molars that can be found within the dental arch of your mouth. Most people have wisdom teeth, and some people do not experience any pain or discomfort related to them. A wisdom tooth can successfully erupt from the gums without causing any issues. This typically happens in individuals between the ages of 16 and 23. Unfortunately, some people do experience pain and discomfort due to their wisdom tooth.

If a wisdom tooth is impacted, you may notice pressure and pain in your mouth and jaw. Even if a wisdom tooth is partially erupted, it may still grow in uncomfortably. Bacteria can easily become trapped in the soft tissue surrounding a wisdom tooth. This bacteria can commonly lead to a tooth infection at. We can alleviate these problems by performing an .

To effectively treat wisdom tooth pain, you will need to schedule an appointment for an extraction. We understand that it is difficult to wait when you begin to experience pain and swelling. This is why we offer emergency extraction services. The sooner we are able to treat you, the sooner you feel permanent relief.

As soon as you begin to notice any signs of infection, call to schedule an appointment for extraction. Common signs of wisdom tooth infections include redness, inflammation, foul tastes and odors, pain when chewing and the presence of pus. When an infection progresses, you may also notice swelling in your jaw and cheek.

In order to determine the need for an emergency extraction, we will need to perform an examination. X-rays and external examinations allow us to find the source of the pain and infection. If it is necessary, we will perform an extraction to relieve your discomfort. Do not hesitate to seek treatment, as this will only prolong pain and increase the risk of infection.

Call For A High-Quality Emergency Wisdom Tooth Extraction

A wisdom tooth can flare up at anytime, and this is when action is required.

What can you do when the pain is radiating through your oral cavity and causing agony?

An emergency solution is a must, and this is where a high-quality is going to be the necessary treatment.

With this world-class emergency dental clinic, you will be able to receive immediate treatment at any time of the day.